Mark Jonathan Harris is an Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker and Distinguished Professor in the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California, where he heads documentary production. Among the many documentaries he has written, produced and/or directed are THE REDWOODS, a documentary made for the Sierra Club to help establish a redwood national park that won an Oscar for Best Short Documentary (1968); THE LONG WAY HOME, which won the Academy Award for Best Feature Length Documentary (1997); and INTO THE ARMS OF STRANGERS: STORIES OF THE KINDERTRANSPORT, produced for Warner Bros. that also won an Academy Award for Best Feature Length Documentary (2000). UNCHAINED MEMORIES: READINGS FROM THE SLAVE NARRATIVES, a documentary that he wrote on slavery in America, premiered at Sundance and aired on HBO in February 2003. It was nominated for an Emmy for a Nonfiction Special and Harris was nominated for Outstanding Writing for Nonfiction Programming. DARFUR NOW, a feature documentary he produced with Cathy Schulman and Don Cheadle, premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2007 and was nominated as Best Documentary of the year by the National Board of Review and the Broadcast Film Critics Association and won an NAACP Image Award. LIVING IN EMERGENCY: STORIES OF DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS, a film, which he executive-produced, was shortlisted for an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature in 2009. The International Documentary Association recently awarded him the Preservation and Scholarship Award.